"We will explore why and how an MA thesis director introduces autoethnography as an alternative research discourse to MA English thesis students, and examine student responses. Pedagogical implications, teaching resources, and thesis examples will be presented in order to highlight the myriad creative possibilities for using autoethnography to both celebrate and interrogate literature, literacy, and language."
BOOK 1: JAPAN When a chance discussion introduces the idea of teaching English in Japan, the gregarious yet still single...
Presentations from the 1st Annual Graduate Research Conference, Tiffin University, Ohio: Keynote, “Creating Opportunities for Student Professional Development in Online Programs”; March, 2019
Bridging Passion and Profession: Supporting Agency and Investment in Multilingual University Writers
"The authors sought to look back at the trajectory of their experiences in a second language communication and composition course in order to more deeply understand the roles of agency and investment in their own and fellow classmates' learning."
"classroom observations showed us that there was a strong connection between not only the theory and practice of using personal essays, but also of the outcomes such practice will have on student writing, creating a more humanized classroom environment."
"Two main themes, the loss of control and isolation, are examined, and an existential interpretation is paired with insight from Buddhist psychology. Finally, we conclude with implications for future research in sport and migration studies as well as practical considerations for the use of autoethnography in psychological research and practice."
"Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, we are determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology. (Hanh 23)"
Poster presented at South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SMLA) conference in Jacksonville, FL, 2016 See the full-sized poster here: poster-for-conference-2-1...
"Through interviews with five female and two male expatriates, we studied the ways in which Western runners brought meaning to the transition experience and negotiated meanings and bodily practices associated with running. Through narrative analysis, we identified three core narratives of migration (possibility, necessity and growing up) and two emergent narratives (community and running to feel like oneself) about shifting meaning in running."
"The panel defined artistic perfumery as a type of creative design where the perfumer is not necessarily limited by someone else's concept, brief, or vision. Art itself lies at the core of artistic perfumery and as such, the panel addressed how such art can be judged and critiqued."
Marlen has been working in the fragrance industry since 1990. Having started in sales and line representation, he later began...
"The purpose of the studies was to examine aspects of keypal email exchange projects currently in development in English language classes at two Japanese universities: One purpose of these studies was to look at pedagogical aspects of the project, including implementation, and perceived and long-term benefits of such projects."